b'GreenwoodHouse.orgWebsite content improvements were made and a more user-friendly navigation was established. Improvements were made across all devices: desktops and tablets, as well as smartphones. Stock imagery was replaced with photography of actual residents and staff. A COVID-19 page was created to meet state requirements. The new page also serves as a collective place to house relevant messages from the executive leadership team.Internet Search Engines significantly improved with impressive results. For When seeking services or products, consumersexample, in one month, 123 of the posted new often turn to the internet to collect information.photos on Google received over 30,000 views Marketing focused on improving and creatingby consumers. Google reports that over 90% of more robust listings, with rich information,customers are more likely to visit a business that imagery, and customer reviews, providinghas added photos to their listing.those consumers with a real snapshot of theGoogle search engine results are a priority. organization and its specialties. Online testimonial reviews for Greenwood House Over the past 12 months, the business accountscontinue to be important. While weve only seen a on these online search engine platforms havesmall uptick in reviews, we still received a handful over the past year.15'