b'G R E E N W O O D H O U S E , H O M E F O R T H E J E W I S H A G E DS T A T E M E N T S O F A C T I V I T I E S GR N D C H A N G E I N N E T A S S E T SA EENWOOD HOUSE, HOME FOR THE JEWISH AGEDSTATEMENTS OF ACTIVITIES AND CHANGE IN NET ASSETSYEARS ENDED DECEMBER 31, 2021 AND 2020Years Ended December 312021 2020OPERATING REVENUENet Patient Service Revenues $13,120,592 $ 13,641,701Other Operating Revenue 132,827 31,410Total Operating Revenue 13,253,419 13,673,111OPERATING EXPENSESProgram Expenses:Patient Care:Patient Care Nursing6,056,947 6,121,297Drugs 278,361250,675Medical Supplies 505,561 666,289Ancillary Services 734,484815,125Diagnostic Services 48,576 46,602Dietary1,928,358 1,781,487Housekeeping 611,915605,416Laundry and Linen94,016 75,518Property Operating Costs1,399,181 1,175,268Recreational Services 246,893 313,662Social Services 107,312 109,067Employee Benefits and Payroll Taxes2,384,342 2,168,042Bad Debt Expense 128,000 240,000Interest 10,503 5,896Depreciation 849,691 818,774Total Program Expenses 15,384,140 15,193,118Fundraising Expenses 213,491214,352General and Administrative Expenses1,973,270 2,026,377Total Operating Expenses 17,570,901 17,433,847OPERATING LOSS (4,317,482)(3,760,736)OTHER INCOME AND OTHER CHANGES IN NET ASSETSContributions 435,868 805,007Government Grants2,509,977 3,553,829Dividend and Interest Income 97,260 91,301Gain on investments 667,530333,541Other Changes in Net Assets 477,998 475,450CHANGE IN NET ASSETS(128,849) 1,498,392Net Assets - Beginning of Year, As Restated (Note 16) 21,109,177 19,727,703NET ASSETS - END OF YEAR $20,980,328 $21,226,095- -25'