b'COVID-19 Pandemic COVID-19 Fundraising HighlightsIn 2020, the COVID-19 pandemic caused havoc, Over $160,000 raised for the Greenwoodglobally touching the lives of most people in theHouse COVID Emergency Fund.world. As we know, the elderly, and especially those living in long-term care, were especially Greenwood Houses response and planningsusceptible. Our planned development andaround COVID-19 and safeguarding residentsfundraising efforts switched immediately toto the best of our ability was rewarded withcrisis response as new needs emerged.grant funding of $140,000.Greenwood Houses mission to care for the Two COVID-19 grants from the Jewishmost vulnerable in our community has alwaysFederation of Princeton, Mercer, Bucksbeen crucial, but now, in the midst of thewere received.pandemic, it became urgent.A COVID-19 grant from The JewishGreenwood House received an abundanceFederations of North America for personalof support and donations. Volunteers and theprotective equipment like face masks,community came together and their effortsgowns, gloves, and hand sanitizer.had an immediate and direct impact on our Greenwood House received a COVID-19staff and residents. We took this opportunitygrant through the state of New Jersey.to engage with our donors and supporters and communicated about how our work at Greenwood House participated inGreenwood House had changed and how they#GivingTuesdayNow, a global day ofwere making a difference.giving and unity that took place on May 5,2020, as an emergency response to theunprecedented need caused by COVID-19.Gifts were match by Borden Perlman andHoward and Joan Henschel. Over $25,000was raised.19'